Fen's Health Records
Hips - 1:6 - (x-rays taken incorrectly i.e. not straight) 12/06/2020. The radiographer advised if the x-rays were taken correctly, they would have scored no higher than 3:3). Permissible by LWCA.
Elbows - 0:0
DM: Clear (no carrier) by parentage
MDR1 Clear (no carrier) by parentage
DNA Profiled (Embark)
Sire: Ghost (wolf grey)
Dam: Delta (agouti)
Fen is owned by Paul and his breeder Tom from Wolfden Kennels (QLD). We have used this boy at stud in the past.
Fen is a beautiful example of the Lykos breed, agouti in colour, and has produced some lovely litters.
Fen placed Runner Up in Show in the Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia's Online Show in May 2023, which had 35 entrants.
Fen does obedience and tracking with his owner Paul!